Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas in Japan

G'day kids,

Unfortunately my promise of keeping up with regular posts haven't really materialised. But here's another one.

So as winter sets in, Japan is getting colder and colder. And I've been told that February is the coldest month ... great! Something to really look forward to.

Well Christmas in Japan is certainly different to back home. I don't think its as in your face as it would be back home. Your not constantly reminded of it here. I mean their really just into the commercial side of Christmas, like Chrissie lights down the street and also big Chrissie trees in front of the shopping centres. But their not really realising that it was the day Jesus was born ... hence that fact that I will be working this Christmas and boxing day (there is no boxing day in Japan).

Alas, never fear I get some days about 4 days off after New Years as their public service holidays ... woo hoo. During that time, will be heading to Osaka. Looking forward to it.

One interesting thing that I observed last week was while I was at school, when a mild earthquake tremored (yep another one). While I sitting there holding onto my desk ... all the teachers continued to do what they were doing and didn't even notice. I guess they've gotten so used to it.

Anyway, here's some more pics.

Halloween was a while ago but here's some pics sure to elicit some laughs

Me and John, bug brothers at karaoke!

My fellow ALT's here in Ashikaga.

I carved the pumpkin in the middle

Some Scary costumes

Who let that cow inside????

Anyone see who stole my face.

OK kids, later

Samui desu yo!

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