Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Experiencing a Japanese Christmas

Minasan Meri Kurisumasu,

Ototoi wa Sano shoppingu outoreto e ikimashita. Watashi wa reggo to Gundam o kaimashita.

Ok, thats enough of my Japanese, Basically said that the other day I went to the Sano Shopping outlet and I bought some leggo and Gundam figurines. Pretty lame, buts its coming along.

Anyway the last few days in good old Ashikaga has been lots of sitting in my apartment, watching movies I've downloaded and engaging in my new hobby of putting together gundam robots. All that in a three day weekend, courtesy of the Emperor's birthday.

Most of the boys I usually hang with are out of town. Clarence and Mike and gone home to the US and England respectively. John's girlfriend came on the weekend, so they were in Tokyo. Babs also went home too America and even Holly was holidaying in Guam. Even Ray, who I usually rely on was in Tokyo.
Anyway, I made it through and really looking forward to going to Osaka and spending a week there. I'm not looking forward to the overnight bus that get us there though. Its going to take about 10hrs, this was the cheaper option than Shinkansen.

Last week the boys and I went to visit the flower (or "frower" as the Japanese say) park in Ashikaga as they had decorated the parks trees and flowers with Christmas lights. Miss out on seeing all those crazy people back in Oz lighting up their houses, so this was as close as I was going to get.

Teaching on Christmas day was interesting. They kids only had classes in the morning and they were then on their winter vacation. I brought a santa hat to school and made them greet with Merry Christmas instead of the customary "Goodmorning Tun". They got a kick out of it. Also bribed them with Christmas stickers so that they would participate and volunteer more. Some of them will do anything for stickers.

Before they left, there was a end of term assembly. Principal made a speech (no idea what he was saying and freezing my balls off in the gym). Did pick up some things, like to the 3rd year students to study hard and do well for the high school entrance exams. There was also a set of rules that the students had to abide by. Like, "No" going to game centre's or amusement parlours (pinnies - to those of us that used to hang out at the joints - Japan's ones are sooo much better though). Yep, junior high students are banned from these places. Something about being careful on their bikes and not zooming around like hooligans. Finally, something about mobile phones (no idea).

Anyway, hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and not spending too much on the boxing day sales.

Here's some Christmas pics.

This is the crew that participated in the Volunteer Christmas party for the little kiddies. From left to right, you have; Dan, Babs, Clarence, Katherine, Mike and yours truly

This was our basic set up of the Christmas/Australian game we did for the kids. They had to line up in family group. We would whisper one of the names on the pictures shown, and they would have to throw balls into that basket. Simple really?!?!

As you can see, they had a blast. Could get a picture of myself but for Australian Santa, I was wearing the red coat, beard, hat and board shorts ... hehehe

The skinniest, scrawniest looking Santa's you'll ever get. Well, they are from England!

The big lit Christmas tree at the frower park

The crew that visited the frower park

Cinderella, your chariot awaits

Its just like the X-files - spooky

My Christmas board at school, sorta lame, but the best that I could do! Imagine it without the tree, even more lamo!

Happy holidays all.

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